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C & C Lifting

Concrete Skip 500L

For Sale or Hire
Concrete skip 1016.8, 500l with welded chain,
Outlet Ø 200 mm lever-operated

- with fork lift pockets retractable on two sides
- Rectangle 1.200 x 1.100 mm
- complete concrete skip is lowered to reduce the height
- with a total of 2 Meter PVC-hose firmly mounted on the concrete skip
500ltr Concrete Funnel Skip
This concrete skip can be used with Crane and Forklift
These concrete funnel skips are perfect for narrow pours to columns and formwork via a 2m flexible pipe., Lever operated, and fork boxes , A tilting receptacle prevents cement grout from dripping.
Hose diameter is ….200mm dia
Skip base size … 1.1m x 1.2m x 1.75m height inside diameter 1030mm
Extra hose available and Spare hose clips ex stock ,
Must be cleaned after use.

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